


We believe in minimalism. At its core, minimalism forces us to look at things we value most and remove (physically and mentally) things which distracts us.

Inclusive school

Inclusive School

We are an inclusive school. We welcome all children irrespective of their abilities, gender, race, culture, religious faith and, the like.



We travel with our students on their journey to identify their Ikigai (Reason for Being). Ikigai is the sweet spot in a person’s life where there is a union of what one likes, what one is good at, what the world needs and what one gets paid for.



We believe everyone - Plants, trees and other animals (including people) - can and should co-exist on Planet Earth. A good place to start is by acknowledging & respecting their contribution, however small it is.

Celebrate mistakes

Celebrate Mistakes

We celebrate mistakes & failures. We evolved by goofing up - small or big or gigantic goof ups. We learn through failures. Lets cherish them.


“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded”

- Jess Lair

At Aalam, our programmes are designed to nurture the curiosity of children and ensure that they are prepared for a journey of learning throughout life, by staying curious. The curriculum is a mix of play based activities and learning through research, making sure there is never a dull moment while they learn. Following are the programmes available:

Mom and Me

Designed for kids from the age group of 1 yr to 2.5 yr, is a programme to prepare children for preschool, in the presence of the parents. Parents and Children, together involve in play and various activities which shall help children to develop physically and mentally. For parents, it's an opportunity to view the world through the child's eyes and also enhances the bonding.

Mom and Me

Designed for kids from the age group of 1 yr to 2.5 yr, is a programme to prepare children for preschool, in the presence of the parents. Parents and Children, together involve in play and various activities which shall help children to develop physically and mentally. For parents, it's an opportunity to view the world through the child's eyes and also enhances the bonding.


Designed for children from the age group of 2.5 yrs to 3.5 yrs, this is when children make advancements in terms of cognitive development. At this stage, we help them to acquire language skills which is one of the most important skills that will help them to obtain more knowledge during the course of time. They are also eager to jump, climb and do a lot of running. The programme has a lot of room for the children to do all that, in a protected child-friendly environment.


Designed for children from the age group of 2.5 yrs to 3.5 yrs, this is when children make advancements in terms of cognitive development. At this stage, we help them to acquire language skills which is one of the most important skills that will help them to obtain more knowledge during the course of time. They are also eager to jump, climb and do a lot of running. The programme has a lot of room for the children to do all that, in a protected child-friendly environment.


Designed for children from the age group of 3.5 yrs to 4.5 yrs. Children of this age are more energetic, curious and build better conversations. They enjoy singing and dancing. so , we introduce a flurry of activities for children to explore which shall induce creativity and probably develop a hobby they can pursue.


designed for children from the age group of 4.5 yrs to 5.5 yrs. By now, the children would have developed a lot of vocabulary and are starting to develop social skills. So, we encourage a lot of group learning activities at this stage which further develops the social skills of the children. We also introduce children to life skills at this stage.